Saturday 13 October 2007

Scary nights in museums

Chris Jolley, the chap putting the finishing touches to the soon-to-be-launched Uncanny UK website, happened to stumble upon a reference to a haunted aeroplane. According to a review of Cosford Air Museum in Shropshire on 'John Hopkin's Aviation Pages', an Avro Lincoln bomber on display 'is reputed to be haunted'. Oo-er! Unfortunately, I have no details to add yet.

Chris seems to recall that 'the Fleet Air Arm musuem down south has a haunted plane as well'.

I vaguely remember reading about a German aircraft in a museum where its former pilot is sometimes glimpsed still seated in the cockpit. A quick flick through Hippisley-Coxe's 'Haunted Britain' also confirmed my recollection of a haunted tank - in a Tank Musuem at Bovington Camp in Dorset. Hippisley-Coxe writes: 'a German officer has frequently been seen, peering at the Tiger tank he commanded - and in which he may have died - in World War II'.

There have been rumours of other haunted museums, mainly centred on ancient artifacts like Egyptian sarcophagi. One day I intend to make an inventory and write a book about all these haunted exhibits and indeed any other solid, three-dimensional haunted objects you can visit.

I strongly suspect that a former World War II bomber will turn out to be the largest artifact, though!

Check out the reference to the haunted bomber at: You may also ike to look at

Don't forget to read my blog devoted to the ghosts of Wales:

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